BC Nature eNews March 2018

Upcoming Events
  • AGM 2018 – Your host, Nature Vancouver, cordially invite you to sign up for another great conference. Registration now open. For registration and schedules, please visit this link.
  • March 15, 2018 – Rene Savenye Scholarship applications due.
  • Hope Mountain Centre – Skagit Valley Bird Blitz – May 4 – 6, 2018 email for further information
    Hope Mountain – Manning Park Bird Blitz – June 15 – 17, 2018 – email
Two Executive Positions open – Volunteers needed
Treasurer needed – Our executive needs a treasurer. If you are a retired (or working)Chartered Professional Accountant – we need you! This is a volunteer position and requires a few hours a month, 6 meetings a year via conference call. For the full outline of duties, please email the office.

Harrassment Officer: Although we hope we never need one, we need to have someone from our membership stand as our Harrassment Officer – This is not an executive position, but an “as needed” position. We are hopeful that from within our 6,300 members we have someone that has Human Resources or Conflict Management skills that could form a committee if ever called upon to deal with any harassment issues we may encounter either within our clubs, Executive or Administration. Please email the office.

Issue 63
Date March 2018
Spring is coming!
BCnature Spring Magazine available now.
Please email if you wish to change from Canada Post Mail to the electronic version.
AGM – 2018 – Nature Vancouver Update
BC Nature May Conference and AGM, May 10 – 13, 2018 Update from host club, Nature Vancouver. Registration is going well. Due to delays in the Vancouver Naturalist newsletter circulation the early bird registration deadline is extended to Sunday, March 25. If you haven’t registered yet, we encourage you to do so soon. Some field trips are close to full, so check the registration website for updated information on field trips. Nature Vancouver Link

For those who have already booked accommodation at UBC in Orchard Commons, the location will be changing. UBC Accommodations now has a logistical difficulty with opening that accommodation and so have offered to move our people to nearby Ponderosa Commons residence. Ponderosa is higher value accommodation, but this move will be at no extra charge. Ponderosa residence is slightly farther from our conference venue at UBC Forest Sciences Centre (about 3 blocks walk further). However its studio suites are private, with double beds, and equipped kitchenette. UBC Accommodations will contact each person who has booked a room to explain the change. If you have not yet booked your room, look on our conference website page under Accommodations for updated information.

The Saturday evening banquet will now be held at St Johns’ College on UBC campus, with a Musqueam presentation after dinner. St John’s College is an interesting venue, located just a block from Ponderosa Commons.

Harrison Hot Springs “Eagle” Field Camp Registration
Harrison Eagle & Salmon Camp – Registration will commence March 20, 2018 – via telephone (604 985 3057) or via email. There are 24 spots in this camp and this camp was full up back in 2016 when Chilliwack Naturalists hosted this camp. I attended the camp in 2016 (as part of the organizing committee) and it was both educational and a great experience for all those involved. I will be attending again and hope to see a full camp!

If you do email to register, please include your full name, telephone and if you are registering one other person, please include these details.

From Nature Canada on New Federal Park Funding
We have great news; the Federal Budget 2018 is a billion-dollar breakthrough for nature!

Thanks to thousands of nature lovers, like you, have joined together to ask the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister to provide funding for nature in Budget 2018. This once-in-a-generation investment is critical to reach the target of protecting 17% land and inland waters that Canada is committed to by 2020.

We have great news; Budget 2018 is a billion-dollar breakthrough for nature! Nature Canada congratulates Finance Minister Morneau, Prime Minister Trudeau, and Environment Minister McKenna. We think that Canada’s wildlife would also applaud.

This budget is a game-changer in recovering declining wildlife populations through protected area investments. With our members to back us up, when we speak to politicians and lawmakers to combat global warming and save endangered animals, they listen. And even better: when we remind politicians and lawmakers that we have the support of thousands of concerned citizens like you, then we speak from strength and they act.
Meeting Canada’s international promise to protect 17% of our lands and waters by 2020 will be a challenge, but we believe we are up to the challenge. Nature Canada and provincial and local nature groups are keen to work with governments, local and Indigenous communities, and industry to take full advantage of the opportunities to protect ecologically important places across the country, whether grasslands in Saskatchewan, Carolinian forests in Ontario, Acadian forests in the Maritimes, or wetlands in British Columbia or Quebec.
Will you take a moment to say thank you to Minister Morneau and Minister McKenna and Prime Minister Trudeau? If you love Canada’s forests, water and wildlife, this is an exciting first step, here’s how you can help…

Add your voice your voice today to protect nature and wildlife in Canada.

BC Community Bat Program needs your help
Have you seen bats this winter? The BC Community Bat Program needs your help monitoring for white nose syndrome. Please report any winter bat sightings, dead or alive, at the BC Bats site
Endangered Rivers campaign
Deadline to nominate is Monday, March 12, 2018, by 4:00 PM.

The Endangered Rivers list increases awareness about the various threats that confront our waterways, while helping to profile important river issues. The survey collects information about environmental impacts and threats, such as pollution and habitat destruction, as well as loss of outdoor recreation activities due to poor river health. Public recreation may include fishing, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, birdwatching, and walking by the river. ORC publishes the Endangered Rivers List every two years based on the results of the public survey. NOMINATE A BC RIVER FOR THE 2018 ENDANGERED RIVERS LIST

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