Shoreline Group

The Shoreline Group is our newest interest group, forming in February of 2018. The group does not hold regular meetings but concentrates on field trips to explore the many shoreline habitats of the Comox Valley and other nearby areas. The group also contributes to citizen science projects initiated by other organizations.

Some examples of the group’s activities:

  • Explored the various habitats and organisms at Air Force Beach and assessed the health of sea stars at this location.
  • Observed feeding relationships in the intertidal zone at Cape Lazo.
  • Visited Williams Beach during a very high tide, with observations of shoreline erosion, a midden, and a variety of seaweeds and other organisms thrown up by the ocean.
  • Observed night-time life (by the moon and using headlamps) in the intertidal zone at Miracle Beach during a very low tide.
  • Collected samples at several shoreline locations to assist a project to determine the spawning behaviour of forage fish.

Check out some of our shoreline blog posts.

For more information, or to be added to the group’s email distribution list (CVN members only), send email to the group leader (see the Contacts page).