Comox Valley Nature Viewing Guide
2023 Edition.
This full-colour fold-out brochure with photos, maps and descriptions highlights 20 key nature viewing sites around the Comox Valley. Free publication available from these sources:
- CVN general meetings and outreach events
- Vancouver Island Visitor Centre (adjacent to Comox Valley Parkway near Hwy. 19)
- MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre
- Courtenay Riverway trail where it meets the Airpark from the north
You can also download the brochure as a PDF file here.
For more details about these sites and many others, see our online Nature Viewing Guide.
CVN gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided by the Comox Valley Regional District and the Comox Valley Community Foundation which has made production of this brochure possible.

Checklist of Comox Valley Birds
2021 Edition.
Price: $2.00 at CVN events; otherwise as set by retail outlets.
Available for purchase at these locations:
- CVN general meetings and other events
- Laughing Oyster Book Shop in Courtenay
- Blue Heron Books in Comox
- Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society (MARS)

Comox Valley Herbaceous Plants, Shrubs and Trees
2nd edition (2020). Now includes grasses, sedges, and rushes.
This checklist is arranged alphabetically by the scientific name of the plant family.
Available for purchase at CVN general meetings and other events. Price: $5.00.
You can also see Terry Thormin’s photographs of the plants of B.C. here.

The Pioneer Birdmen of Comox
2017 edition.
An account of the groundbreaking naturalists Allan Brooks, Ronald Stewart, Hamilton Mack Laing, and Theed Pearse.
Available for purchase at CVN general meetings and other events. Price: $5.00.