Learn about the Puntledge Forest land protection project

Comox Valley Nature members and the general public are invited to CVN’s November general meeting for the following keynote presentation:

Title: Comox Valley Land Trust (CVLT) programs and the Puntledge Forest land protection project
Speaker: David Stapley (CVLT)
Date: Sunday, November 24, 2024
Time: 3:00 p.m. PT
Location: Main hall of Comox United Church, 250 Beach Drive, Comox

David will provide an overview of CVLT programs with a special focus on the “Save the Puntledge Forest” land protection project. He will outline the ecological characteristics and benefits of protecting this 100 to 120 year-old naturally regenerating forest. The history of human disturbance and current risks, from mining to hydro power generation and logging, will be presented. The complicated story of protecting this area due to the unique challenges posed through land ownership and a private timber reservation registered on title will be shared.

For more information, visit CVLT’s website.

About the speaker

David Stapley is currently the treasurer on the board of the CVLT. He is a retired organizational development consultant and group facilitator. He worked as a contract facilitator for the CVLT from 2009 to 2018.  Over this time, he established the Comox Valley Conservation Partnership program. In his roles with CVLT he has advocated for better protection of local forests, wetlands and watersheds by local governments. Since retiring in 2018, David has continued to promote the benefits of conservation in the community and to develop resources to grow the capacity of the CVLT to conserve lands.

More about the meeting

Following the keynote presentation, the meeting will include brief reports from CVN interest groups and other activity leaders.

This will be a hybrid meeting (in-person and videoconference). We encourage members and the general public to attend the in-person meeting. Members who cannot attend can participate via videoconference. The link to join the Zoom meeting will be sent to members by email before the meeting.

If you are new to Comox Valley Nature, find out more about us here.

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