Botany at Paradise Meadows, October 2024

Now that the flowering season is over, the Botany Group returned to Paradise Meadows on October 8 to learn to identify the plants there by their other characteristics—growth habit, leaves, seeds and other clues. And, of course, to enjoy the beautiful fall colours in the meadows.

This trip was a sequel to the group’s summer trip to the meadows in August.

The focus plants on this fall trip included subalpine fir, amabilis fir, partridge-foot, queen’s cup, black huckleberry, white-flowered rhododendron, false azalea, spleenwort-leaved goldthread, western bog-laurel, western tea-berry, and Pacific soft rush. These all occur only above 300 m elevation.

Once again, co-leader Véronique has provided us with a photographic identification guide to plants observed on this trip. You can download the guide here (PDF, 5.3 MB).

Here’s a selection of photos from the guide [click a thumbnail to see the whole image]:

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