Comox Valley Nature members and the general public are invited to CVN’s May general meeting for the following keynote presentation:
Title: Understanding our Watersheds “One Puzzle Piece at a Time”
Speaker: Dave Weaver (Beaufort Watershed Stewards)
Date: Sunday, May 26, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT
Location: Main hall of Comox United Church, 250 Beach Drive, Comox
This 45-minute information session will present what the Beaufort Watershed Stewards are all about—their intent, how they are structured, what activities they do and where, the processes they use and/or follow, and where they intend to go in the future. This is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that has grown very quicky and has achieved much in it’s first 7 years—first by slowing walking, to now actually running at full steam—one puzzle piece at a time.
Two case-study programs will be highlighted briefly—the Hydrological Cumulative Effects Assessment Program and the Aquifer Mapping Program. The intent is to give the audience an overview of the details involved and the expected outcomes, ultimately aiming to better understand how our watersheds function.
About the speaker
Dave Weaver has had a varied career, working in forestry in BC for 37 years for many organizations. He was a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) since 1981 and has now resigned from this association when he retired in 2016. He started his career on Vancouver Island, working for MacMillian Bloedel Ltd, as an Area Forester for 11 years. He then moved with his family to Smithers in the BC interior and worked in silviculture and planning as a forest consultant for 14 years. Within this period, he worked 9 years as part-time College Forestry Instructor and for 10 years he logged on weekends as a hobby as a woodlot licensee. During the last 12 years of his career he worked for the Provincial Government in Silviculture Policy and Legislation, in Smithers and finally back on the Island in Victoria.
Currently in retirement, he is the President of the Beaufort Watershed Stewards. He assists with the administration and stream sampling and leads the Forestry Subcommittee of this group.