From an email by Jocie to the Botany Group on March 18. Click a photo to enlarge it.
We had a brilliant sunny day for our March 13 walk at Kitty Coleman Beach Provincial Park, and thanks to Robbie we enjoyed a fireside picnic lunch! The herring spawn was in full swing with gulls and sea lions active on the water. We saw a good mix of things: lichens, fungi, new green leaves appearing, and of course the “big fir.” (Not to mention an ant colony.)
Here are a few highlights. Thanks to Veronique for many of the photos:.
- The big Douglas fir is worth a visit!
- Dwarf mistletoe on western hemlock. In the genus Arceuthobium (not sure which species).
- Siberian miner’s lettuce (Claytonia sibirica) is often found in the woods and at the base of trees.
- Farinose cartilage lichen (Ramalina farinacea).
- White green-algae coral (Multiclavula mucida) this was one of our more unusual finds of the day!
- Nuttall’s toothwort leaves (Cardamine nuttallii).
- Pacific sanicle leaves (Sanicula crassicaulis).
- Western thatching ant (Formica obscuripes).
- Botany group: A good turnout!
- Botany group: On the hunt.
- Botany group: Post-walk picnic.