Frilly flowers

From an email by Jocie to the Botany Group on July 31.

The last day of July….sigh…what a great month it is for plants! Here are some fun photos from John B: “Plants which like to show off their frilly costumes. All local, and I am sure well known to all who like to slop around in marshes.”

Though exotic looking, all of these are quite common in Paradise Meadows and similar habitats. Buckbean is aquatic, growing in the ponds, deer cabbage is widespread in the meadows, and fringed grass-of-Parnassus is often found along the edges of subalpine streams.

Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata).

Deer cabbage (Nephrophyllidium crista-galli)

Fringed grass-of-Parnassus (Parnassia fimbriata)

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