Notice to CVN Members, Group Chairs, Walk Leaders, and Work Parties
The CVN Board encourages all members to follow the current provincial guidelines regarding physical distancing, hand washing, and avoiding non-essential trips to public places. A full list of BC guidelines is available via Please follow all the recommendations from the BC public health officials to help protect our members, families, and the general public.
No CVN activities requiring your physical presence are permitted at this time , and all meetings and other events are cancelled, pending the lifting of pandemic restrictions. Individuals may still continue CVN work in the parks, but maintain your distances, and do not share tools or other items.
While outdoor activities are important to CVN and are still possible to individuals, please note the following items, and keep safe:
- No group activities are planned or encouraged at this time.
- Members who are sick or displaying any flu-like signs should self-isolate at home. Call Health Link BC at 811 if you have any concerns about your health.
- A minimum physical distancing of 2 metres between participants is suggested.
- Carpooling with non-family members is not recommended.
- Work groups should distance themselves and not share tools.
Thank you for thinking of others. We are all in this together.
Jim Boulter, President, Comox Valley Nature