Botany at Rosewall Creek Park, July 2024

The Botany/Mycology Group’s July field trip was popular with members. On July 2, the group observed a variety of plants and fungi in the lower part of Rosewall Creek Provincial Park, with a particular eye out for these species: eyelash cup fungus, oak fern, spiny wood fern, devil’s club, black gooseberry, clasping twistedstalk, goatsbeard, and enchanter’s nightshade.

Also, co-leader Karen C., who recently completed a course on grasses, helped the group identify a few grasses and sedges along the way. Karen recommends the following field guides for grasses and sedges, both published by Oregon State University Press:

Another highlight was examining an amazing nurse stump with several trees of different species growing from it.

The group’s other co-leader Véronique has created another great photographic identification guide for many of the species observed on this walk using her own photos and additional research. Below is a selection of images from the guide. Download the full guide here (PDF, 6.8 MB).

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