World Rivers Day – Visit our website at to find out more about World Rivers Day, and please let us know about any activities you may organize. We can help your promotions via our website, as well as with e-mails like this one. Last year, river enthusiasts from around the world came together for the 12th annual event. It was a great success, with millions of people involved from more than 70 countries. Activities ranged from stream clean-ups and habitat enhancement projects to educational outings and community riverside celebrations. This year’s global event will be even bigger! World Rivers Day is based on the incredible success of BC Rivers Day in British Columbia, Canada, which has been underway since 1980.
Vancouver International Bird Festival is happening a year from now! – August 19 to 26, 2018 – Visit for more information.
BC Nature Annual Appeal
You will all be receiving your BC Nature Fall Magazine (either via mail or electronically) and in this edition, the centerfold is our Annual charitable donation appeal.
BC Nature and your federation of 53 Nature Clubs work diligently throughout the year in various conservation and nature education projects.
Please donate to assist us with funding these worthwhile endeavors. Nature appreciates your financial help!
Issue 59
Date September 2017
Ruddy Duck
BCnature Fall Magazine available now.
Your BCnature Fall magazine should be in the mail to you soon. For those that wish to receive it electronically or wish to download it from the Member’s Only area of BC Nature Website , please note: On the mailed copy of the magazine, you will find a label on the back page with your name, mailing address and a number in the top left corner of the label. The number in the top left hand corner is your access number and the name as it is spelled on your label (including spaces and punctuation) is your access name. Please email if you wish to change from Canada Post Mail to the electronic version.
Nanaimo Nature Club opening soon
We hope everyone had a great summer and that none of you has been negatively affected by wildfires on mainland BC. We wanted to let you know that a small group has been meeting during the summer to gather information about the formation of a nature club or society in Nanaimo. We want to share ideas for a name for the group and what we’ve learned about forming a club or society and insurance for field trips. Most of all, we want your feedback and enthusiasm to get the group going. What’s next? · We have arranged a public meeting on October 24, at the Beban Park Social Centre, Room 2, 2300 Bowen Road, 7-9 pm. Why late October? Well with all of this dry weather, that will be the perfect time for a hands-on “Mushroom Madness!” presentation with Joyce Lee. After mushrooms, we will ask for your input. How might you want to contribute to a club? How does “Nature Nanaimo” sound to you? Do you have knowledge about the natural world you wish to share? Do you know anything amazing or cool about black widow spiders, plants, soil organisms, the inter-tidal zone, fossils or owls? Do you have a preference for where and when club meetings and events are held? Can you help with planning and publicity about events? There are lots of exciting things to learn and do. We need your help and enthusiasm to make it a reality. · Also – please visit and follow us on new our new Facebook page – where you will be able to: o Get a sneak peek at information we will be reviewing at our October meeting; o Let us know how you want to get involved and make a great nature club; o Post your ideas for awesome events; o Share the times and locations of meetings and events with your friends who want join us; o Check out some awesome, local nature information; o Share your interesting nature observations and questions too! I’m sure there is someone in our midst who can answer those little brown bird questions!! We are looking forward to seeing you online and in person.
Peace Region Grants
Fish & wildlife grants are available in the Peace Region. Don’t miss this chance to apply for a Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program grant. The first step is to submit a mandatory Notice of Intent by Friday, Sept. 8, 2017. This short project description will take just a few minutes to complete and submit online. It will help the FWCP support you to develop a grant application due October 27, 2017. Learn more at
FGM silent Auction
September 21 – 24, 2017 – Vernon, BC is our Fall General Meeting and Conference. Registration is now closed, however, we wanted to alert you to a donated silent auction item that may be of interest to members:
Description: Signed limited edition print of a Wildebeest by Robert Bateman. Includes the notes on the print by the artist. Professionally framed and ready to hang. Frame is 31 x 26 inches.
Complete book Collection of “Birds of BC”
Description: Complete set (4 volumes) of the Birds of British Columbia by Wayne Campbell et al. (published 1993-1997) in pristine condition. Value: $400 These are a but a few of the items available. If you are interested and not going to the FGM, please contact your club to see who might be going that could put a bid in for you!!!
Aquatic Species at Risk for assessment
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is seeking input from your community or organization with respect to whether or not Bocaccio should be listed as Endangered under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). Further detail can be found in the attached letter, which has also been sent via mail and fax. We welcome input online, by phone, letter, email, and meetings with respect to whether or not Bocaccio should be listed as Endangered under SARA. Specifically, we are seeking a statement in support of or against a SARA listing, and any supporting data, Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge, or information that can be shared and would support advice towards a fulsome listing decision. The online public consultation period will be active September 7 – December 8, 2017 and is available through the Species at Risk Public Registry consultation tool. An online survey in support of the consultations on the Bocaccio listing is now open for comment. The following documents have been developed to help inform the Department in its advice for the Government of Canada on whether or not to list Bocaccio under SARA. These documents are detailed below, and are available via the links provided.
• SARA Registry Species Profile for Bocaccio
• COSEWIC assessment and status report on Bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) in Canada
• Recovery Potential Assessment for Bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) in British Columbia Waters (2009)
• DFO Management Scenarios for Bocaccio (2016)
• DFO Socio-Economic Analysis for Bocaccio (2017)
• The Listing Process Options under the Species at Risk Act.
In order for your input to be considered in DFO’s advice to the Government of Canada, comments must be received by December 8, 2017. If you or your organization is interested in participating in a webinar or setting up a meeting via phone or in-person, please contact the SARA program at or 604-666-7907. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you on this matter.
Improving IBAs Across Canada
Birds across Canada will have even more protection! Twelve local projects in Important Bird Areas across Canada are protecting birds, enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem integrity!
Learn how you are helping birds in Canada Link
The Aviva Community Fund is back and donating over $1 Million in funding!
Is your organization in need of funding for a current or new project or idea? If so, please see the ACF Eligibility Funding Guide_2017. It includes eligibility guidelines, application questions and information on how to submit your application.
Applications will be accepted between September 13 and October 2, 2017. To ensure you receive all necessary information, register by visiting
The Aviva Community Fund has four funding streams this year:
Community Health, Development, Resilience, and Legacy
The campaign is open to CRA registered charities, public foundations, non-profit organizations, social enterprises, registered B Corporations, publicly-funded schools, universities or colleges, and municipality or government entities.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please email,
Book reviewers Needed
With Fall and winter coming, now a chance to get back to some reading! BC Nature receives books and DVD’s for review and need your assistance in doing the reviews. If you are interested in reviewing any of these books, please email and we will send you the criteria for the Book Review (to be published in the BCnature Magazine.
Chasing Smoke – A wildfire Memoir, Aaron Williams
Birdmania – A remarkable passion for birds, Pete Dunne
The Inner Life of Animals – Peter Wohlleben
Bird songs of Canada’s West Coast – DVD – John Neville
Your BC Nature Executive have been busy
On the BC Nature website, we have a page called “Letters Sent and Received”.
Please visit our website to view a copy of our letters.
It has been a while since I've posted photos from the CVN photo group monthly meetings. Here are 10 shots from one of our meetings late last year. We have another meeting coming up next week so look for some soon after.Give a like if you are enjoying them and want to see them continue.Photographer details given within each photo. ... See MoreSee Less
Happy World Wetlands Day! Learn more about the importance of wetlands and Birds Canada's Marsh Monitoring Program at the link below ... See MoreSee Less
Important words from Jackie Hildering ...keep putting good into the world...Helpful? I've been struggling for words in light of developments in the world. I had some of my own recently sent back to me. __________From an email I received yesterday: "I recently listened to the episode of Whale Tales that you were featured on, and a quote by you made me incredibly emotional.[From the podcast] "We are capable of incredible change. (...) We can change, we should change, but there are forces that try to make us believe that we can't, because overwhelm, fear, and despair work really well to make sure that there isn't the change that disempowers those who have enjoyed power for a very long time. (...) You are part of the positive wave, and we may not disappear into despair."It really impacted me so strongly in a way I wasn't expecting while driving home from work. People will still do good regardless of daily politics and the failures of our governments, every choice towards sustainability makes a difference and it was very refreshing to be reminded of this sentiment. The sense of community evoked in that quote is very powerful."__________So grateful to the person who wrote that email and gave me permission to share it. How they helped me. Just keep putting good into the world and understand that overwhelm, despair, and fear are the blunt tools used to beat down positive change and empowerment. I will not disappear. I will not be silent. I will NOT give my oxygen to the vampires that thrive on negative attention and inhumanity. ... See MoreSee Less