Nature Outing Report: K’omoks Estuary, Oct. 22,2016

An avid dozen participated in this outing with the weather cooperating until the end, shortly after noon. We started at Goose Spit with discussions around the area’s geologic development and explanations of how the littoral drift used to replenish the spit and shorelines (before extensive “hard shoring” of the coastline took place) with sediment depositions from Willemar Bluffs and beyond. Moving on we had a shoreline talk on KFN land about their historical fish traps and at the Rotary viewing stand we discussed the IBA, waterfowl and the saltmarsh destruction by increasing Canada goose populations. A stop at Simms Park to explain Project Watershed’s pending waterway restoration project, another one at the Airpark Lagoon describing the completed breach project (and its benefits) and on to Hilton Road in Royston where we finished up with a look at our engineered saltmarsh islands and a small “greenshore” protection feature we built on the lagoon shoreline.

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