This webinar, which was originally planned for September 21, has been rescheduled as noted below.
CVN members and the general public are invited to attend the following free online lecture hosted by the Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists:
Title: To Reduce the Social and Economic Damage from High Severity Wildfires, We Must Transform our Landscapes
Speaker: Bob Gray (R.W. Gray Consulting Ltd.)
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2024
Time: 12:00 p.m. (noon) PT
See the registration link below.

As of June 28, over 8 million ha of forest had burned in high severity fires from Nova Scotia to British Columbia with another three months of fire season still to go. These fires are resulting in significant social, ecological and economic impacts. Transformational change in landscape-scale forest and fire management is key to reducing area burned at high severity.
About the speaker
Bob Gray is a highly reputed AFE Certified Wildland Fire Ecocologist whose clients include: US Forest Service, Parks Canada, The World Bank, State of Oregon, State of Washington, ?aq’am and Tsilhqot’in First Nation, B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, B.C. Ministry of Environment, University of Washington, University of Idaho, and University of British Columbia, several rural BC communities (Cranbrook, Kimberley, Vernon), the BC forest industry, and many others.
“Seating capacity” for the talk is limited, and you need to register in advance. You can check the computer requirements for attendees here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the webinar.