BC Nature Scholarship deadline for submissions – June 2, 2017
FGM 2017 – Your hosts North Okanagan Naturalists invite you to join them for “Lakes, Grasslands, Forests” in Vernon, September 21 – 23, 2017. Registration information will be in the Summer Magazine and on the BC Nature Website.
Nature-lovers across BC are expressing concern over a proposed new method for managing wildlife in the province. Speaking on behalf of BC Nature, the federation of naturalist clubs across BC, president Dr. Alan Burger said “Our members are alarmed by recent statements by government ministers indicating that wildlife management might be handed over to an external agency supported by special interest groups, specifically hunters and guide-outfitters”. This model of wildlife management will undoubtedly work against the interests of the vast majority of British Columbians, added Burger. For the complete press release, please follow this Link
Issue 58
Date April 2017
Young Osprey – Lillooet
BCnature Summer Magazine
Members receiving or downloading “electronic” pdf versions of our magazine, you will be notifed after the long weekend in May of the availability of the Summer Magazine. Members receiving Canada Post versions (Paper) – can expect to see the magazine in their mailboxes by the first week of June.
About Town Events and outings in your area!
March for Science Vancouver is a local satellite march for the global phenomenon March for Science taking place on April 22, 2017 (Earth Day). We want to ensure that the march is inclusive, with scientists and science supporters from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds. Website for more information or search Facebook for March for Science.
Children and Nature Network Conference April 18-21, 2017, For Events Listing
Interesting Links, Articles and Websites
From the Prince George Citizen – Birding updates from Prince George Article Link
From Coast Mountain News – Ooligan Grease Camp – Bella Coola Article Link
New Species added to the Species at Risk Act (Good news that protection is now afforded these species, bad news that we have to have this protection at all!) Link to Nature Canada Website
Spring brings increasing interest in bat health and public reports of bats
Fortunately for the bats of BC, it has been a quiet winter. The BC Community Bat Program, in collaboration with the Province of BC, is on the lookout for signs of White-Nose Syndrome (WNS). WNS is a fungal disease harmless to humans but responsible for the deaths of millions of insect-eating bats in eastern North America. WNS was first detected in Washington State in March 2016. To monitor the spread of this disease, Community Bat Program coordinators have been collecting reports of unusual winter bat activity across southern BC and ensuring that dead bats are sent to the Canadian Wildlife Health Centre lab for disease testing. To-date, no WNS has been reported in the province.
We are asking the public to report dead bats or any sightings of daytime bat activity to the Community Bat Project (CBP) as soon as possible (1-855-922-2287 ext 24 or )” says Mandy Kellner, coordinator of the BC Community Bat Program. Reports of unusual bat activity will help focus research, monitoring and protection efforts. How can you help? Through Citizen Science, please visit Link
News From Our Peace Region
From the Fish and Wildlife Compensation program
$2.2 million for fish and wildlife Caribou, bats, migratory birds, moose, Bull Trout, Arctic Grayling, and wetland and riparian species will benefit from the 26 projects approved by our Peace Region Board. Work will continue this year as part of our multi-year project to gather data on mercury levels in fish in the Williston and Dinosaur reservoirs. We will also continue our multi-year project to investigate limiting factors affecting moose in the Peace Region, alongside the Provincial moose study. Our Peace Region Board approved approximately $2.2 million for fish and wildlife projects. Read our 2017 – 2018 project list.
More than 100 projects across B.C. A total of 102 fish and wildlife projects, valued at $9.4 million, have been approved by our three regional Boards. The conservation and enhancement projects will start after April 1, 2017 in our Coastal, Columbia and Peace Regions, and conclude by March 2018. Each one went through a three-stage review and evaluation process. And each project addresses one or more conservation priorities from our action plans.
BC Nature AGM and FGM Conferences
For members who have not entertained attending a BC Nature Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Fall General Meeting (FGM) – you’re missing out on some great nature education, presentations and even greater field trips (walks and talks.)
The misnomer in our “conferences” is that participants are not trapped in meetings all day. Instead, the host BC Nature Club transforms these meeting rooms into presentation class rooms and then extends these classrooms to the great “out of doors.” Our BCN club members (local experts) lead walks and talks in their local parks and surrounding area on a variety of nature topics.
A day of presentations from experts in their fields, on a variety local nature topics, followed by a day and a half of field trips are the norm on these conference weekends.
Not to mislead you, there are a few hours of business that must be conducted in order that we carry on as a Society, but even these meetings are very enlightening for nature! Lively discussions on Conservation of Nature and other Nature Related topics are the norm at these meetings.
Think about attending one of these great conferences in the future. What a chance (from a Naturalists Point of View) to be educated on the area of our host BC Nature club town!
It has been a while since I've posted photos from the CVN photo group monthly meetings. Here are 10 shots from one of our meetings late last year. We have another meeting coming up next week so look for some soon after.Give a like if you are enjoying them and want to see them continue.Photographer details given within each photo. ... See MoreSee Less
Happy World Wetlands Day! Learn more about the importance of wetlands and Birds Canada's Marsh Monitoring Program at the link below ... See MoreSee Less
Important words from Jackie Hildering ...keep putting good into the world...Helpful? I've been struggling for words in light of developments in the world. I had some of my own recently sent back to me. __________From an email I received yesterday: "I recently listened to the episode of Whale Tales that you were featured on, and a quote by you made me incredibly emotional.[From the podcast] "We are capable of incredible change. (...) We can change, we should change, but there are forces that try to make us believe that we can't, because overwhelm, fear, and despair work really well to make sure that there isn't the change that disempowers those who have enjoyed power for a very long time. (...) You are part of the positive wave, and we may not disappear into despair."It really impacted me so strongly in a way I wasn't expecting while driving home from work. People will still do good regardless of daily politics and the failures of our governments, every choice towards sustainability makes a difference and it was very refreshing to be reminded of this sentiment. The sense of community evoked in that quote is very powerful."__________So grateful to the person who wrote that email and gave me permission to share it. How they helped me. Just keep putting good into the world and understand that overwhelm, despair, and fear are the blunt tools used to beat down positive change and empowerment. I will not disappear. I will not be silent. I will NOT give my oxygen to the vampires that thrive on negative attention and inhumanity. ... See MoreSee Less