Learn about BC Nature’s work on Key Biodiversity Areas

Comox Valley Nature invites its members and the general public to the following free online lecture, facilitated by the Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists:

Title: Key Biodiversity Areas and Protected Areas: B.C. Nature Projects in 2023
Speakers: Liam Ragan and Kephra Beckett (BC Nature)
Date: Sunday, November 19, 2023
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT

See the registration link below.

Western Grebe in the K’ómoks IBA

BC Nature is the provincial lead for the Municipal Protected Areas Project and Key Biodiversity Areas. Join us as we discuss ongoing work to understand and protect biodiversity throughout BC. We will have a focus on the Comox area, the way in which we work to collaborate with First Nations at every stage of the process, and how clubs can play a pivotal role in conservation success.

About the speakers

Liam Ragan is BC Nature’s Provincial Coordinator for Key Biodiversity Areas and Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas.

Kephra Beckett is BC Nature’s Conservation Coordinator.


“Seating capacity” for the talk is limited, and you need to register in advance. You can check the computer requirements for attendees here.

Register here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the webinar.

If you are new to Comox Valley Nature, find out more about us here.

Although CVN lectures are free, donations of any size from non-members who attend are always appreciated ($4.00 is suggested).

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