Learn about 21st century forest solutions

Comox Valley Nature members and the general public are invited to the following free online lecture presented by the Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists:

Title: 21st-Century Forest Solutions: How Can We Slow Down or Stop: Heat Domes, Droughts, Forest Fires, & Flooding?
Speaker: Erik Piikkila
Date: Sunday, October 15, 2023
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT

See the registration link below.

We’re not “seeing the forest for the trees.” We don’t seem to be able to see the cause and effect or cumulative effects of forestry and forest policies. But we see their impacts and results:  droughts, wildfires, floods, heat domes, species losses.  With an ecosystem-first focus, repurposed forestry systems and techniques can be used to restore ecosystem functioning, health, and resiliency.

About the speaker

Over 30 years, Erik Piikkila has worked or been trained (many of the ‘ologies) in forests in BC, Washington, Oregon, California, and Finland. He has performed nearly every woods job by measuring/counting trees, laying out cutblocks/roads, and logging. He has also monitored forest companies’ harvesting and silviculture operations, permits, and data. Recently, he has been involved with forest/watershed ENGOs, and providing natural history and forest ecology walks to students, citizens, scientists, foresters, and government officials. Now he is working with First Nations to thin forests with multiple ecological objectives and benefits.


“Seating capacity” for the talk is limited, and you need to register in advance. You can check the computer requirements for attendees here.

Register here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the webinar.

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