Comox Valley Nature is holding our Annual General Meeting on February 25, 2024 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm in the Main Hall of Comox United Church, 250 Beach Drive in Comox.

The public is invited to learn about CVN and join the Society. The meeting will introduce leaders of the different interest groups who will give short presentations. The interest groups include Birders, Botany, Marine and Shoreline, Nature Photography, Nature Walks and Habitat Restoration. For more information about CVN, see this page and the rest of this website. Also see our Instagram and Facebook accounts.
Some examples of our activities: The Birders Group has weekly field trips and posts its observations on eBird (see this recent example). They also participate in the annual Christmas Bird Counts and Trumpeter Swan counts in the area. The Botany/Mycology Group had a recent outing to Kitty Coleman Park to view fall fungi – see images of their amazing finds here.
CVN’s habitat restoration teams do important work at Courtenay Airpark, Little River Nature Park and other locations. As part of our educational mandate, we host guest speakers who share their expertise on natural history and environmental issues.
General meetings and lectures are normally held on Sundays (most months) and are open to the public, including children and youth.
The AGM is a good chance to join us and get involved in our activities.