Botany Outing Reports: Miracle Beach + 9 Km Bog

As many locations have a lot of the same plants it has been suggested that we just list the plants that are special to that location so here goes:

June 8th – Miracle Beach – Small flowered bulrush, diverse leaved water star wort, hemlock water parsley, slough sedge, enchanters nightshade, wood rush, sweet scented bedstraw, stink currant, spiny wood fern, large leafed sandwort, american brookline and at the beach – dune grass, giant vetch, cleavers and canada thistle.

June 15- 9km bog – bunch berry, birds-foot trefoil, bog blueberry, deer cabbage, douglas and king gentian, horsetail, ferns: deer and lady; hookers willow, buckbean, cotton grass, bog laurel, round leafed sundew and great sundew, bog cranberry, fleabane, yellow pond lily, tufted club rush, sticky false asphodel, subalpine daisy, pink mountain heather, Sitka burnet, white rhododendron, fern-leaved gold thread, few flowered sedge, many flowered sedge, false azalea, Labrador tea, indian hellebore, aquatic moss. We also saw the red legged frog, many bugs and beetles, and some bear poop! Very interesting walk.

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